About Us

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Cognizant Corporate Advisors LLP

Cognizant Corporate Advisors LLP is a group of young and experienced professionals having knowledge and experience in different verticals of business striving to render a range of advisory and compliance services. We work with our clients in ‘the spirit of partnership’ instead of client–consultant relationship. We see our success in our client’s success. All our associates and support team are geared towards the mantra of – customer delight. We reflect this in all our activities and touchpoints with our clients.

We are a team of 20+ professionals including Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Advocates, and other business experts having immense knowledge and experience across various industries, striving to provide 360 degrees and solutions to entrepreneurs and start-ups under one roof including Business Registrations, Registrations under various acts and laws, Legal Compliance services, Intellectual Property related services, Business Advisory Services, Tax Consultancy Services, Start-up Advisory Services, Financial advisory services, Premium Retainership Services. Headquartered in NCR, we have our associates representing us in all the major cities of India. Cognizant Advisors has been at the forefront of the corporate sphere, having advised and represented corporate clients from across the globe, through a combination of handholding and guidance. We are a technology-driven business and are equipped with the latest software and communication systems to ensure that all assignments are handled most professionally.  

We are committed to helping individuals and entrepreneurs in solving their issues related to starting and running their businesses. Our mission is to offer affordable, quick, and automated professional services to clients to maximize their profits in minimum time.

We have experienced that most entrepreneurs find that starting a business in India is a complex, time-consuming, and expensive exercise owing to numerous registration, returns, and compliances under various applicable laws. There are uncountable instances where potential entrepreneurs drop the idea of starting the business due to fear of being stuck in these compliances or the need to incur huge costs towards professional and Government charges. Most of the time the reason for such a step is wrong professional guidance or the misconception that compliance or running a business involves a huge cost whereas the actual scenario is altogether different.

We at Cognizant Corporate Advisors LLP work with an approach that more and more entrepreneurs should be promoted in order to create a business-oriented approach in our young generation so that they can be employment generators rather than employment seekers. We believe that proper professional guidance, timely compliance, and lower cost can create sustainable business opportunities, especially for startups and small enterprises. We understand the requirement, issues, and potentials of our clients so as to ensure that maximum benefits can be provided at a minimum cost which is very essential at the inception stage of every business.

Taking forward the Government of India’s Ease of Doing Business initiative, we aim at providing the best professional services at the most affordable and reasonable prices to ensure that entrepreneurs can focus solely on their business plans, leaving the compliance part to be managed by our experienced team in order to make doing business easier.